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20129-20177月 比利时(荷语)鲁汶大学,经济学博士学位

20099-20126月 西北大学ok138太阳集团中国官方网站,经济学硕士学位

20049-20086月 西北大学ok138太阳集团中国官方网站,管理学学士学位


20225-至今      ok138太阳集团中国官方网站

20177-20223月 荷兰瓦赫宁根大学发展经济学系


° 荷兰皇家科ok138太阳集团中国官方网站(KNAW)与中国国家科技部联合资助,中国与荷兰双边国际合作项目,项目英文名称:Sustainable Resource Management for Adequate and Safe Food Provision (SURE+),中文名称粮食与食品双安全战略下的自然资源可持续利用与环境治理,项目编号2016YFE0103100。子课题博士后,2016 – 2021。项目信息网址: http://kxyjy.njau.edu.cn/info/1158/7640.htm

° 国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目名称:视频化推广对数字农业技术采用的影响机制研究:基于知识约束的视角,项目编号:7217305020221-202512月,参与。

° 中央农办、农业农村部乡村振兴专家咨询委员会委托课题(202018),加快培育专业化市场化农业服务组织问题研究,项目子课题负责人。

° 湖南省自然科学基金项目,项目名称:经济资助项目对大学生财经素养的影响评估:基于追踪数据与扎根访谈的混合研究,参与。

° 湖南省2020社会科学成果评审委员会课题,课题名称:大学生金融素养发展及其影响因素的追踪研究,参与。

° 参与国家自然科学基金委员会,重点项目,项目名称:基于城乡协调发展的农村公共物品管理研究,71033003201101-201412月,项目主持人:史耀疆教授,资助规模131.25万元人民币。[已结题]


[1]. Li, F., Li, D., Voors, M., Feng, S., Zhang, W., and Heerink, N. (2022). Improving smallholders’ soil nutrient management: The effect of science and technology backyards in the North China Plain. China Agricultural Economic Review. (forthcoming)

[2]. Cao, H., Li, F.*, Xiang, T., Qian, C., and Zhao, K. (2022). From value perception to behavioral intention: Study of Chinese smallholder’s pro-environmental farming practices, Journal of Environmental Management. (forthcoming)  

[3]. Huang, W., Yao, P., Li, F.*, and Liao, X. (2021). Student Governments in Chinese Higher Education: Reflection on College Students’ and Student Cadres’ Political Trust. Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10734-021-00721-8

[4]. Qian, C., Li, F., Antonides, G., Heerink, N., Ma, X., and Li, X. (2020). Effect of Personality Traits on Smallholders' Land Renting Behaviour: Theory and Evidence from the North China Plain. China Economic Review. 62. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.chieco.2020.101510

[5]. Wang, Q., Li, F., Heerink, N., Yu, J.*, Fleskens, L., and Ritsema, C. (2020). Price Decline, Land Rental Market and Agricultural Production in the North China Plain. China Agricultural Economic Review. 13(1), 124-149.


[6]. Wang, B. Li, F., Feng, S.*, and Shen, T. (2020). Transfer of Development Rights, Farmland Preservation and Economic Growth: A Case Study of Chongqing Land Quotas Trading Program. Land Use Policy. 95. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104611

[7]. Strokal, M.*, Annette, J., Chen, X., Kroeze, C., Li, F., Ma, L., Yu, H., Zhang, F., and Wang, M. (2020). Green Agriculture and Blue Water in China: Integrating Crop and Livestock Production for Clean Water. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering. 8(1), 72-80. https://doi.org/10.15302/J-FASE-2020366

[8]. Tan, M., Hou, Y.*, Zhang, L., Shi, S., Long, W., Ma, Y., Zhang, T., Li, F., and Oenema, O. (2020). Farmer’s Perceptions of Manure Management Techniques in Medium to Large Size Dairy and Poultry Farms in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 289(7). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.125149

[9]. Li, F., Loyalka, P., Yi, H., Shi, Y., Johnson, N., and Rozelle, S. (2018). Ability Tracking and Social Trust in China’s Rural Secondary School System. School Effectiveness and School Improvement. 29(4), 545-570. https://doi.org/10.1080/09243453.2018.1480498

[10]. Huang, W., Li, F.*, Liao, X., and Hu, P. (2018). More Money, Better Performance? The Effects of Student Loans and Need-based Grants in China’s Higher Education. China Economic Review, 51(1), 208-227. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chieco.2017.09.005

[11]. Li, F., Song, Y., Yi, H., Wei, J., Zhang, L., Shi, Y., Chu, J., Johnson, N., Loyalka, P., and Rozelle, S. (2017). The Impact of Conditional Cash Transfers on the Matriculation of Junior High School Students into Rural China’s High Schools, Journal of Development Effectiveness, 9(1), 41-60. https://doi.org/10.1080/19439342.2016.1231701

[12]. Li, F., Shi, Y., Boswell, M., and Rozelle, S. (2017). Craft Beer in China. Chapter 17 in Garavaglia, C., and Swinnen, J. (eds) Economic Perspectives on Craft Beer: A Revolution in the Global Beer Industry. Palgrave Macmillan, London. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-58235-1_17

[13]. Li, F., and Mo, D. (2016). The Burgeoning Chocolate Market in China, Chapter 18 of The Economics of Chocolate, edited by Squicciarini, Mara P. and Johan Swinnen, Oxford University Press, UK. http://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198726449.001.0001

[14]. 钱宸,李凡,李先德*,郝晶辉(2021)基于农户经济理性与环境可持续视角的中国农业化肥施用优化分析——以邯郸地区小麦生产为例,《自然资源学报》, 36(6), 1481 – 1493.

[15]. 廖小薇,黄维,要攀攀,李凡2019)大学新生贫困资助政策的瞄准性、充足性与减贫效果研究,《教育发展研究》,第3期, 76-84页。

[16]. 黄维,要攀攀,李凡2016)助学贷款对中国第一代大学生学业发展的影响,《中国高教研究》,第9期,77-82页。

[17]. 常芳,史耀疆*,李凡,岳爱,杨斌,杨矗(2012)信息干预对留守儿童身体健康的影响———来自陕西省的随机干预试验,《农业技术经济》第4期,117-125页。