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近日,ok138太阳集团中国官方网站唐川副教授及其合作者在能源输送管道事故与房地产价值影响方向的研究取得重要进展,在国际资源与环境经济学领域顶级刊物Journal of Environmental Economics and Management发表题为“Pipeline Incidents and Property Values”的学术论文。研究揭示了内陆页岩油气扩张开采期间,输油管道运输事故对周边房地产价值的负面影响,这为新型能源的发展与建设管理提供了重要理论依据。




The rapid expansion of pipelines during the U.S. shale oil and gas boom drew attention to the economic consequences of pipeline incidents. This study investigates the impacts of 426 gas distribution pipeline incidents on property values in the United States between 2010 and 2020. We find that only incidents that are both severe (involving explosion, ignition, or fatalities) and occurred on above-ground pipelines, which we define as high-profile incidents, have adverse effects on nearby property values, while other incidents have no measurable housing price effect. A difference-in-differences analysis finds that high-profile incidents significantly decrease property values within 1,000 meters by 8.2%, and the negative impact can persist for about eight years on average. Furthermore, we find a drop in transaction volume that lasts a short period after the incidents, suggesting an initial demand-side response. In contrast to the strong effects of pipeline incidents, we do not find statistically significant price effects from pipeline installation. We also demonstrate that there is substantial heterogeneity by the type of incident and that results based on studies of individual incidents should be generalized with caution.

